GOAL: - The aim of teaching the undergraduatestudents in Forensic Medicine is to impart such knowledge and skill that mayenable him/her to manage common medico-legal problems in day to day practice.He/She shall acquire competence for post-mortem diagnosis based on history,physical examination and relevant observations during autopsy.
OBJECTIVES: - During the training, studentsshould acquire following competencies, knowledge and skills so that they can practicecommunity medicine after graduation.
COMPETENCIES: The undergraduate mustdemonstrate –
1. Understandingmedico-legal responsibilities of physicians in primary and secondary caresettings.
2. Understandingthe ration approach to the investigation of crime, based on scientific andlegal principles.
3. Abilityto manage the medical and legal issues in case of poisoning / overdose.
4. Understandingthe medico-legal framework of medical practice and medical negligence.
5. Understandingthe code of conduct and medical ethics.
KNOWLEDGE: At the end of thecourse the student shall be able to -
1. Identifyand document medico-legal problems in a hospital and general practice.
2. Identifymedico-legal responsibilities of a medical man in various hospital situations.
3. Diagnoseand manage basic poisoning cases in the community.
4. Diagnose,manage and document a case of sexual assault.
5. Preparemedico-legal reports in various medico-legal situations.
SKILLS: At the end of the course,the student shall be able to –
1. Documentand certify trauma.
2. Diagnoseand certify death.
3. Makelegal documents in emergency cases.
4. Certifymedico-legal cases e.g. age estimation, sexual offence cases etc.
Establishcommunication in medico-legal cases with police, public, health authorities,other concerned departments etc.Forensic Medicine